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Agricultural heritage of Reunion island

Distillation of Geranium

Agriculture in Reunion has greatly influenced its populating process: at first, the cultivation of coffee was set up in 1714, involving a large workforce and leading to the institutionalization of slavery (mainly from Madagascar and the African continent). But an epidemic hit the coffee and left room for growing sugarcane. From the early nineteenth century, this new agriculture supplants that of coffee, but nevertheless continues to require many agricultural workers. With the abolition of slavery in 1848, they were thus fetched on the Asian continent: coolies or « indentured workers" from India and China, which now constitute two of the major communities in Reunion.

Our partner :
La Maison du Géranium
Geranium distillery
Tour and tasting
When you drive up to Maïdo, be sure to stop at LA MAISON DU GERANIUM! Isabelle and Jean-Jacques will be delighted to show you their plantation of rose geranium together with other curiosities from Reunion. They distill on premise this aromatic plant from their garden but also from small local producers to make essential oils which they sell in their shop.
Geranium distillery
Tour and tasting

Visit orchard mango
Some plants, such as banana trees, were imported from China, others from Mexico like vanilla, and all the spices come from all over the world, and especially from Asia, in particular by Governor Pierre Poivre and the botanist Joseph Hubert: cumin, cloves, cardamom, pepper ...

Many farms, orchards and cooperatives open their doors to share with you their passion for Reunion's nature. Do not miss this opportunity!